Sunday, January 8, 2012

The tooth is here!

Your tooth finally came in on September 27th. If those reading the blog, click on the picture, it will enlarge and the shiny white beauties can be seen (this blog feature was a new discovery for Grandma!)

You finally conquered crawling in October, although keeping up with you is definitely a full time job with your new cruising speeds!
Before you accomplished crawling, you decided that just rolling would get you where you wanted to go. You would roll from one end of the family room to the other and were quite proud of yourself!

In the process of learning to crawl you would flip onto your hip frequently. It is not possible to describe the process but you were so cute when you would quickly swing your body up to sitting after trying to crawl. In the picture, you can see your right hip in the flip position. In the picture below, you were in your 'arms and legs swimming' position in the beginning of your crawl attempts. The only part of your body touching the floor was your tummy and you would rock to try to move forward.

You love to play with Momma and Daddy and are even more interactive with your toys. You have learned cause and effect with your toys and it is so much fun to watch you discover new things everyday. You will put your hand in the middle of the dinosaur and cause it to vibrate whether there are balls in or not and are quite pleased with your efforts.

Daddy put a mirror on the floor and you would play with your "pal" in the mirror for great lengths of time. You would just laugh and began to play peek a boo using the mirror.

Grandma was able to visit with you all for a weekend when Daddy went hunting and as always Grandma enjoyed every minute. In addition to your new teeth and crawling, you have discovered your voice and love to yell and make a joyful noise. While eating you let out your dinosaur roar in between bites. And my baby, you are all boy, as you love to bang anything your hands come in contact with.

I love you so much little one,


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