Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You are the cutest! 2/1/2011

Grandad and I went to the hospital to see you and Momma and Daddy on Tuesday. You slept 5 hours! the first night and one time when Daddy heard you stirring in the bassinet, he found that you had turned on your right side! You had a procedure and another shot yesterday and neither seemed to phase you. In fact, we all had problems getting you to wake up to eat. Grandma did what we used to do with Anne Marie and Duncan when they were infants and didn't want to wake up. We took off your shirt and even layed you down on a surface, you objected at first but then went right back to sleep. The breast feeding specialist came and gave some valuable advice to your parents--after all you were not even 24 hours old at the time. Your Momma has not had any sleep and is very, very tired--not because you kept her up--she just has difficulties sleeping in the hospital with all of the usual hospital noise.

Grandad got to hold you during the visit--he was a little hesistant right after you had been born on Monday but he was anxious to hold you Tuesday. You and he seemed to have quite the time and you would open one eye to make sure, he was still there.
Great Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tommy came to visit and brought very cute outfits and some size one diapers since you had outgrown your newborn ones (before you were born!). They brought me a "Grandma's Brag Book" so that I can show you off to friends and family. Uncle Tommy didn't get too close as he thought he was getting a cold and we didn't want you getting that. Most of you was hidden as you cuddled with Mommy so Aunt Debbie only got to see your cute head.
The night before Uncle Bryan and Aunt Sara had come to visit and brought your parents a beautiful orchid and they were very excited to get to hold you.
Your grandparents Conrad are due to come in this weekend and everyone is looking forward to the Steelers Super Bowl game. Your outfit has already been planned for the event with a Steelers onsie etc.
Hopefully you will come home on Wednesday!
Love every ounce of you

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