Saturday, February 5, 2011

Everyone one wants to see more pictures of you!

Dear angel- and you seriously are an angel of a baby. Since the change in your feeding efforts, you have made amazing progress in just two days. Yesterday, you went to the doctors for another weigh in and they could not believe that you had regained 7 ounces. The doctor did not believe it and wanted to check your diaper to make sure that your parents had not slipped some weights into the diaper. Since then, you are taking more and more from Momma and using less regular amounts of the formula----AND you are so much more pleased with your situation. Momma and Daddy are keeping you on a pretty regular schedule which seems to be working well for you. Many times today, you have stayed awake for quite awhile after eating and are so alert and checking out your home.
Oh did I mention that you can also talk? Grandma was singing lullabies to you (singing is very generous when it comes go Grandma's voice--unlike your momma who has a beautiful singing voice). You seemed to enjoy the lullabies but did ask "Grandma what did you do with the money Great Grandma gave you for singing lessons?" Then you layed back down on my shoulder and enjoyed yourself. I put you in the swing and turned on the music for the first time and you were intrigued and kept looking about for the bird singing and where the music was coming from.
Your grandparents Conrad came to visit yesterday and will stay through the Super Bowl. They, like all of us are enchanted by you and cannot get over how handsome and happy you are.
Aunt Mary Lynne sent you a present yesterday with a valentine bear, valentine balloon and a box of chocolate covered strawberries. You are eating the strawberries indirectly, so to speak. The arrangement was very cute. Aunt Mary Lynne addressed the present to Jen, Kevin, and Moose Conrad. The delivery person had trouble with the names Jen, Kevin, and particularly Moose and finally called you Moses which made Grandma and your parents smile a bunch.
You had your first bath last night and didn't seem all that thrilled as one can judge from the pictures above. Then today your umbilical cord fell off so you are making all kinds of "firsts" yesterday and today. My favorite was that Momma and Daddy went to Target today and left me with you and we had the best time together. I treasure each moment with you.
Momma couldn't find the onsies she wanted at Target so I went to Kohls this afternoon and as usual had myself a Hayden shopping spree. Grandma really needs to stay away from stores for a bit as she finds too many things that she thinks will be perfect for you.
I know I will think of other events that have happened since yesterday, but I will post them tomorrow.
Good night with love always

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