Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bethany Beach 2011-favorites of you and Momma

Dear Hayden, Grandma will eventually catch up the blog but I went through the pictures of the beach and found some favorites. In an attempt to reduce the spacing issues of the blog I decided to pick a few pics at a time to share. In the picture above you and Momma are taking a little nap after a busy day at the beach. It is exhausting having fun and new experiences!

You now "gnawl" rather than "suck" on objects of attention. In these pictures you thought Momma's chin would provide a nutrition source and it is obvious in the 2nd picture that you realized that what you desired was not coming from Momma's chin bone!

Momma and Daddy love the camera that they bought in anticipation of your birth. You will realize as you get older that both of your parents take a bunch of pictures in rapid succession.

Each one appears the same but there are small differences in each. The pictures capture your different expressions and your developing wonderful personality. We are all blessed with your sweet, happy nature.

Love you little one,


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