Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hayden's Firsts Part 2

Dear Hayden, as you can see you are an expert at holding objects now and they generally end up in your mouth. You still love to play on your play mat and are a "baby in perpetual motion" with arms and legs flying in every direction. You have found your voice and love to laugh, chortle, and squeal. Your "conversations" are much longer these days and you still expect all of those within your sight to respond to you. It has been an amazing experience to watch you grow and reach many developmental milestones.

Grandma found sunglasses that have velcro straps and they seemed to fit better than the sunglasses with the plastic sides that go over your ears. But you still manage to put the sunglasses in a variety of positions such as the "Joe Cool" position above.

You sleep much better when you are swaddled, however you are like Houdini. Your arms and legs are supposed to be inside the swaddler but you manage to get your arms and/or legs out and take great pride in that accomplishment. Grandma has watched in fascination as one little hand and then the second slither out the top of the swaddler and you get a very cheesy grin when Grandma asks how you got out. Usually your arms find freedom but this week those long legs came out of the bottom. I am afraid that you are outgrowing the swaddler.

You continue to love your bathtime and as you can see you can hold your head up well.

You spend more time on your tummy without protest, although you let everyone know very clearly when you have had enough. This week you turned over several times from your tummy to your back. Grandma, Momma and Daddy were very excited but your look indicated that you did not see what all the fuss was about.

You love your jumperoo and you can spin your seat around 360 degrees and spend alot of time squealing, swinging from side to side, jumping up and down and playing with all of characters as you spin. Thank you Katie for all the fun!

Grandma is going to get ready to go shopping with Momma so I will close for now. You are beside me on the couch grinning and carrying on quite the conversation. Hayden Joseph, you are one happy baby and

I love you so much!

Grandma Gammon

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