"I love my toes!"
"Yummo! Food"

Dear Hayden you have experienced many Firsts in just a couple of months and one of those was getting your own seat at the "big people's table". Prior to that you had sat in your bouncy seat in the dining room and watched everyone else eat. You would watch all of us closely and were imitating us as we chewed and you were definitely interested in the food being consumed. And then came along probably your biggest First-the introduction of rice cereal this past week. You must have known something was up because there were cameras and videos on the ready. Momma had milked it down as instructed so it was pretty thin. The pictures above capture your response. Momma gives the cereal and it looks like you are opening up for more but in reality you were trying to toss the stuff out of your mouth---a very normal reaction. The third picture sort of reflects what may have been going through your head--I know this is not what they have been eating and happy with! Daddy held your hand to encourage you in the new endeavor.

Well, some would say that having an indoor pool might be over the top but it was a great place to hang out awhile yesterday. Daddy blew it up (by hand) indoors and eventually it was moved out to the deck area. It is Pretty Big! I know you will have fun in the water this summer.
"Yummo! Food"

Dear Hayden you have experienced many Firsts in just a couple of months and one of those was getting your own seat at the "big people's table". Prior to that you had sat in your bouncy seat in the dining room and watched everyone else eat. You would watch all of us closely and were imitating us as we chewed and you were definitely interested in the food being consumed. And then came along probably your biggest First-the introduction of rice cereal this past week. You must have known something was up because there were cameras and videos on the ready. Momma had milked it down as instructed so it was pretty thin. The pictures above capture your response. Momma gives the cereal and it looks like you are opening up for more but in reality you were trying to toss the stuff out of your mouth---a very normal reaction. The third picture sort of reflects what may have been going through your head--I know this is not what they have been eating and happy with! Daddy held your hand to encourage you in the new endeavor.
You did pretty well for your first time but your smiles indicated that you were glad that feeding time was done for the first day. On Friday night you really did well with the rice cereal and we all saw this as a great step forward. We keep telling you that you have to get through the rice cereal before the good stuff like sweet potatoes come!
Grandma decided to get a light weight stroller for our walks. At first you didn't know what to do about your little red deuce coupe and even cried when I went to put you in it. We sat on the porch stairs for a while and you checked it out as I showed you how it rolled etc and then you were ready to give it a try. You had decided that this week, sunglasses were not going to be an accessory, so we opted for your cute ball cap and used the sunshade on the stroller to protect your eyes. We did our usual walk and saw many beautiful blooming flowers--when I pointed them out to you, you gave me a look that said "Grandma when you've seen one, you've seem them all". Thank you Stephen and Sidney for giving Grandma a toybox full of toys for you. I brought some of them with me on this trip and you loved the sassy ferris wheel, the crinkly bright colored fabric ball, the Pooh rattle, and the red kangaroo that hung from the visor of the stroller. You have also been enjoying the books that Alison, Pat and Katie had given Grandma to share with you. We are surrounded by very generous and loving friends and family.
You have discovered your toes my handsome grandson and you now spend a great deal of time trying to get them into your mouth (and sometimes you succeed). You love your toes so much that Grandma put you in the playmat and before I knew it you had taken off your socks and your pants! in order to get to those piggies on your feet. You have given Grandma some gorgeous views this past week and have become quite the wiggle worm when diaper changing time comes. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to put a diaper on an octopus as you demonstrate your turning skills and flexibility.

Fun with my toes and Momma!

Well, some would say that having an indoor pool might be over the top but it was a great place to hang out awhile yesterday. Daddy blew it up (by hand) indoors and eventually it was moved out to the deck area. It is Pretty Big! I know you will have fun in the water this summer.
Grandma has to go back to Richmond on Tuesday and I will miss you more than words can describe. But you are with me in my heart each second of each day.
I love you so very much and look forward to more of your Firsts