Saturday, July 17, 2010

I saw pictures of you today!

You, and your Momma and Daddy went to have your first pictures taken yesterday. You have a very distinctive head at this age and I believe I can see your nose and possibly a hand up by the place where one of your ears will be. I have looked at the pictures frequently since your Mom sent them and I just can't believe that I will be lucky enough to have a precious grandbaby coming in January.

I am sorry that I have been slow in writing this week but this was my first week back to work after 3 weeks off. I had surgery on my arm so that I will be able to hug you a bunch. Plus, many of your extended family members have been calling to check on your Momma and you and to share their excitement. I have also actually tried to work on being able to bring pictures to your blog but I imagine I will need the help of the technologically able members of our family to help me with that. I am sure your Momma or Daddy or Aunt Alison or Aunt Tivey or Uncle Shawn can help. It will require a little patience on their part as they teach me the fine art of downloading pictures--trust me some of them have tried in the past with similar tasks!

Love you so much!
Grandma Gammon

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