Sunday, February 19, 2012

Visit to Richmond after Christmas 2011-Part 1

On your visit to Richmond you discovered the "tupperware cabinet" and you had a good time playing with the plastic containers. This same cabinet was one of your Momma's favorite places to play at your age.

Your first visit to CMOR and you decided to try the animal sound board but you were not too sure what to make of it.
But you showed much more interest in the egg laying chicken exhibit and wanted to make sure that Momma was checking it out too.

And of course you found the stairs! You love to climb stairs and were so proud when you reached the top and checked out the bars and the view of the room especially designed for your age group.You moved on to the veggie/fruit patch (and thought the apple would be fun to eat like you did at Cox farm at Halloween) and then found a car to ride.

Next was driving the tractor after checking out the sky from your vehicle.

You had a great time at the puzzle table.

We moved on to other parts of the Museum and you were able to ride a dinosaur but you seemed to love being inside a dinosaur egg even more.

We tried to get a picture of you in the trunk of a tree but you wanted to move onto the full size cow.

We also visited the cave that your Momma loved to climb through as a child but you are a bit young for that this year.

Grandma had a great time with you and Momma on your visit and I look forward to more visits with you and the fun we can have at CMOR.

The snow continues to fall and the ride to work tomorrow should be interesting.

I miss you so very much

Love always, Grandma

A visit to Richmond after Christmas 2011 Part 2

Dear Hayden,
Grandma writes this as she watches snow falling pretty heavily. As you will know soon enough, Grandma is not a big fan of snow or any form of winter precipitation.
I spent the morning doing my usual Sunday mega cooking for the week. As I was cooking, I was trying to figure out how a recipe could be adapted for your food allergies. I think you would enjoy the flat iron steak and two different versions of pork tenderloin but the chicken salad and breakfast pizza would have been major problems.
The big news for this week is that you are now walking and Grandma was blessed to be able to see you walking via the computer! I had such tears of joy watching you walk with a huge grin on your face! Your Momma and Daddy made this all possible and I cannot tell them thank you enough.
My original intent was to do this post as one but for some reason, the computer has decided not to upload any other pictures.
You and Momma came to Richmond after Christmas and we were able to go to the Children's Museum of Richmond (CMOR). Your Momma went to the Museum when she was younger and neither of us could believe how much bigger (and better!) it has become. Grandma had heard wonderful tales of CMOR from the twins and Katie and was excited to have the opportunity to take you there. As you can tell from the pictures, you had a great time.

You were all smiles at the "James River, City of Richmond" exhibit even though there was no water in the river on the day that we visited.
You were intrigued by the abacus and the apple picker.
You and Momma enjoyed riding the Egyptian style horse and you were wondering why it didn't move.
Searching for dinosaur fossil bones in the "pit"
Another ride on a dinosaur (other dinosaur rides will be Part 1).
Grandma has no idea how this post will turn out as there have been more than the usual frustrations with using the blogger site-Grandma has much to learn about the new computer. But it is all good because Grandma is able to visit with you via the computer.
Love always pumpkin!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Your First Christmas!

On the day before Christmas we went to Uncle Tommy's and Aunt Debbie's house to celebrate with the Santmyer's and Smith's. Unfortunately, Great Grandma Santmyer fell and broke her arm on December 23rd and she and Pappy were not able to make it to the gathering. All of us missed them terribly. Great Grandma and Pappy spent every Christmas with us in Richmond, while your Momma was growing up and how we wished they had been able to come. You were able to visit with cousin Andrew who is growing by leaps and bounds.

Christmas morning is here! and you were cruising in your Pooh walker.

The Christmas tree was surrounded by wonderful gifts for the best little boy---you.
You were not quite sure what to do with all those pretty boxes.
But you saw one thing that you always want--Grandma's camera and you headed straight for it.
Christmas 2011 with Momma and Daddy!
You decided that climbing the stairs would be a lot of fun.

Momma and Daddy bought you a Christmas Mickey Mouse hat on their trip to Orlando.
You were too cute for words and wore the cap for quite a while.

Your favorite activity was shredding the tissue paper and then trying to eat it, just like you did with your present at Thanksgiving.

So many fun toys!

Grandad Gammon came up from Richmond and you showed him how you can climb up the stair from the living room to the dining toom. Grandad made his traditional Christmas breakfast.

More toys!

Such concentration.

Grandma is so blessed to have such a special grandson. I love you so much!

After your nap, you were able to play with all of the toys that Santa delivered!

You love your alphabet train from Pat and Katie!

Momma made a great Christmas dinner. We all missed Great Grandma and Pappy but Pappy made a great dinner too!

At the end of the day you decided that the reindeer and Mickey needed a ride on your car.

It was a wonderful first Christmas and Grandma enjoyed every minute spent with you, Momma and Daddy.

Love always, Grandma