You began sitting in the bumbo several weeks ago. It helps you to gain control of your neck muscles. You have had excellent head control for quite awhile but this is the next step for sitting up by yourself. The pictures were taken within days of each other and you can tell that the weather could not make up its mind. In one picture you have on your plaid shorts and monkey shirt and in the next you are in your winter Steeler gear.
Easter Sunday was also a very warm day and you and Momma and Daddy spent the day at Uncle Tommy's and Aunt Debbie's house.
Aunt Brenda is holding you-glad she had the burp cloth! Sometimes Aunt Brenda can be a "klutzy" as Grandma so I am sure that Uncle Tommy said something about your safety!! but you look quite contented with Aunt Brenda. This was your first introduction to a family gathering and everyone wanted to meet you and hold you.
You met some new relatives including Uncle Brad. In poor Brad's defense you were already crying when he received you from Uncle Tommy and Aunt Debbie.

Grandma and Pappy had good times with you again and even came to visit you at your house on Easter Monday.
Then I came to stay with you while Momma and Daddy worked. Here you are in your Daddy's Garage ("cute and handy") outfit in your Bumbo and playing with the tool box that the twins, Anne Marie and Duncan, had given to you. You really like the tool box because it makes lots of sounds and music and lights up.

You like being read to and you and I have have fun reading your books together. This is a nursery rhyme book that sings, does numbers, and letters, and colors. I think your favorite part is the blinking red noseon the caterpillar. You look like you are attendong school in these pictures. The book is standing on the tray of your Bumbo. This week Grandma has been having a little trouble getting you out of the Bumbo--we may need a jumbo Bumbo.
When we are in the kitchen you love to talk and laugh at the giraffe on your bouncy chair. You have even started to squeal when you are laughing. So many changes in just three months.
You also carry on quite the conversation with your friend who hangs from the sunvisor on your carseat/stroller. You and I have tried to take a walk each day.
Last weekend Momma's friends from Richmond, Deb and Jess (and Jason and Troy) came to visit. You, as always, were fascinated by the turning fan blades. You all went out to lunch and visited before Momma's friends returned to Richmond.
Grandma found the sunglasses Momma had bought for you (your caps are still too big!) and we have been using them during our walks each day. Some days they stay in place and other days they are all over your head. But you are cute enough in them to be an advertisement for a sunglass company (of course Grandma is a little prejudiced).

You like being read to and you and I have have fun reading your books together. This is a nursery rhyme book that sings, does numbers, and letters, and colors. I think your favorite part is the blinking red noseon the caterpillar. You look like you are attendong school in these pictures. The book is standing on the tray of your Bumbo. This week Grandma has been having a little trouble getting you out of the Bumbo--we may need a jumbo Bumbo.
The other night your Momma and I were sitting on the floor with you after you had done some frustrating tummy time. You were leaning back against your Momma and you suddenly used your tummy muscles to pull yourself into a sitting position. You did this over and over and your tummy muscles got quite a workout. There is only one problem, once you get into the sitting position, your head keeps you going forward so one of us had to catch you before you did a face slam into the blanket on the floor. But you are getting stronger and I don't think it will be long before you are sitting and turning over (at least from your tummy to your back because you get quite frustrated on your tummy).

Your Momma and Daddy went to a friend's surprise birthday party that night and I got to get you ready for bed, give your bedtime bottle, and read a beautiful book, Good Night. We actually read the book several times before you fell asleep. This weekend you and I will spend a night alone as Momma and Daddy are traveling to Maryland for another surprise birthday party. Your Daddy has a bunch of friends getting older around the same time it seems.
You have developed a strong attachment to the TV. You will even lay in your play mat and lean your head completely back to watch the TV upside down. Grandma has heard that TV is not good for children until they are 2 so she turns it off and you cannot figure out where it went. The other evening you were in your swing (you like it more now that you are almost too big for it!) and probably thought you had been given a gift--a direct line of vision to the TV. So Grandma could not help but put the remote in your swing with you.

Well love, I started this hours ago but we had a feeding and playtime and a second nap while I was writing this. Momma and Daddy are trying to get you into a routine and so far it is working out pretty well. You usually sleep until 3am and sometimes until 5 am! Every once in a while (as in last night) you wake up for a change and a snack at 1 am.
Momma is home now and you are cozy in her arms.
I love you very much Hayden Joseph and cherish each moment with you