Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love you and cannot wait to hold you

Not long after Momma's Richmond shower, along came Christmas. Great-grandma and Pappy Santmyer came to Richmond and luckily they got in right before the first snowstorm. As you may hear many times in your life, Grandma Gammon does not like snow, ice, or wintry mix storms--At All. Before global warming, Richmond saw very few major winter storms. Now the ones that did come, could be doozies. Someday we will tell you about the great ice storm and your Momma's pistachio cake that she made for Christmas that year. Recently, Richmond and many cities on the East Coast have seen major, major snowstorms with snow too deep to imagine. But we had a cozy Christmas despite the weather. You, your Momma and Daddy spent Christmas with your Grandma and Grandad Conrad and your Uncle Bryan, Aunt Sara, and Cousin Alex in Northern VA.
Then Grandma and your great grandparents Santmyer were to come to Northern VA and have a gathering with Uncle Tommy and Aunt Debby, Sarah and Mike, Brad and you, your Momma and Daddy. BUT along came another snowstorm and your great grandparents headed back to Delaware before it hit Richmond and Grandma Gammon stayed in Richmond until the middle of the following week. Then she and your Grandad Gammon came to spend some time with you, your Momma and Daddy. We got to see your room which I think you will like very much. Your Momma and Daddy did a really great job with painting and choosing beautiful furniture and very cute decorations.
January seemed to fly by as we awaited your arrival on your due date of January 24th. But that day came and went without a Hayden in sight. Your Momma was scheduled for a procedure to possibly speed up your arrival on Thursday, January 27th. Grandma planned to come that day but low and behold another snowstorm was predicted for that day so Grandma came up on Wednesday. Momma had the procedure but it didn't seem to do the trick so the doctor told Momma to go home. While Momma, Daddy, and Grandma Gammon were at the hospital, wet, wet snow and lots of it had started to fall from the sky. The roads became blocked with cars who could not make it through the snow and after spending hours in the car, we had only gone a few miles from the hospital. Then it seemed that Momma went into labor and that you were thinking about being born. Trouble was, we were stuck in traffic that was not moving. Eventually your Daddy did some excellent driving and we made it back to the hospital and spent the night. Momma didn't get much rest at all and Grandma and Daddy slept intermittently. But by Friday morning, the doctor said that you were not coming and that Momma should go home and we were all so very disappointed not to go home with baby Hayden.
I am still at your Momma and Daddy's in Northern VA and it is Sunday and so far no sign of Hayden. I think you remain quite comfy inside your Momma. She and your Daddy went on a date this afternoon with lunch and a movie. Then this evening Momma has decided that she wants to eat at Fuddruckers (they have yummy burgers and chicken sandwiches) tonight as she and Daddy (and Grandma) prepare to go to the hospital again on Monday.
Well sweet baby I have tried to catch up and promise not to fall so far behind in writing to you in the future. I hope that I can put up a post with a picture of you, wrapped in a warm blanket being held by your Momma and Daddy SOON!
I love you, you are in my heart always and I hope you are in my arms soon,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

December 2010


In December we had another shower for you in Richmond. Many friends, especially Alison, Pat and Jenn Floyd helped to make this a fun event. Your Momma's friends of many years, Grandma, Conrad and Aunt Elizabeth, Great Aunt Debbie and Cousin Sarah, and so many wonderful friends who were an important part of your Momma's life as she was growing up, and new friends all came to celebrate Hayden! We had your Momma's favorite food---Brunch (and cousin Brad's deviled eggs too). We played a few games and you would have been surprised at how competitive everyone was to win a prize! (Great Grandma could not be there but she was able to enjoy the Baby Rattle lotto tickets when she came down for Christmas a couple of weeks later. Of course she won and we had saved a few prizes for her. She really would have enjoyed the Baby Gift Bingo!) Again, everyone was so generous in the gifts that they gave you and we all hope you will enjoy all the gifts that await your arrival. Grandma cannot thank Alison, Pat and Jenn enough for being the greatest of friends and they along with so many, many, many others anxiously await your birth.
I tried to label the pictures but will have to seek "professional help" from Katherine and Alison as to how to make the picture process more doable.

Hi Again Little One

Dear Hayden, we were able to see 4 D pictures of you! My very first thought was how cute you are and the second one was--Wow you look crowded in there! But it would appear that, since you are now past your due date for arrival, that contrary to that thought you are comfy, warm, and well fed. But more about that in a bit.
After your Kindergarten shower, came Thanksgiving and the Santmyer/Smith families got together in Northern VA for the annual treat of enjoying family, fun, and great food (Thanks to your great-aunt and uncle, Debbie and Tommy). Everyone had a great time and everybody got to play Wii Bowling which led to many laughs. You were there and enjoyed all of the traditional Thanksgiving treats, especially cousin Brad's deviled eggs which your Momma loves. Grandad Gammon was able to come this year and everyone was glad to see him. We missed cousin Sarah and her husband Mike as they traveled to Ohio for Thanksgiving.
Just a short note for now but more to come as Grandma tries to catch up.
Love you bunches and bunches

I love you Hayden!

Dear Hayden--Yes! Momma and Daddy let us know what your name would be around Thanksgiving. And what a beautiful name it is: Hayden Joseph Conrad.
Grandma must really apologize for how long it has been since I have written but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and heart every moment of every day. A lot has happened since I last wrote. Your Momma and Daddy came to Richmond to help Grandad after he had some problems with his heart. We had a nice visit and Grandad was very glad that all of you came. He is doing fine now and is looking forward to your arrival.
Many of the events that occured since my last post were all about you! First there was a shower up in Northern VA that was given by Katherine, your Momma's friend and the best assistant in the classroom ever! Lots of friends from her kindergarten team were there and brought you so many wonderful gifts. Grandma was very excited to be invited and to meet new team members and friends. Here are some pictures from the shower

Will return soon
Love always